Tuesday, May 19, 2015


    Hello everyone. I am Aslı Verna Aksüt. I am studying at University of Turkish Aeronautical Association, and my department is Aviation Management. Today, I will mentione about Global Emissions. After this writing, you will have more information about Global Emissions.

    As you know, aviation industry is developing day by day. Actually, it is importat for transportation, because the people can go wherever they want easily and fast by planes. Altough this advantage, there are some damages and danger for earth because of aviation operations.

    ICAO has made important progress on the key areas of work as requested by 37th Assembly, focusing on;

-            -   The development of key elements from a basket of mitigation measures to redue CO2 emissions from international aviation, including the establishment of standards to reflect tehnology innovation, operational improvements, sustainabe alternative fuels, and market based measures;

-            -  Facilitating the implementation of concrete actions to reduce CO2 emissions from international aviation, through the development of guidance material and establishment of a capacity building programme for the preparation and submission of State action plans for the reduction of international aviation CO2 emissions to ICAO, as well  the povision of assistance to States to implement the measures identified therein; and

-            -  The review and further exploration of global aspirational goals, based on sound technical information and data.
 Standards and Technologies
     The development of a CO2 emissions certification standard for aircraft is one of the major area of activity in the field of avition and climate changes. The development of this standard has been one of the most challenging tasks being undertaken by the ICAO Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection.

     There is one more important work that is implementing by ICAO is improving the understanding of potential future technologies and the setting of technology goals. The Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection uses an Independent Expert process to access technology goals, and this has been used in the past for noise.

Operational Improvements
    Operational measures are among the elements in the basket of measures available to States to address the impact of aviation on the environment. Improved operational measures have the potential to reduce fuel consumption, and in turn, CO2 emissions. For every tonne of fuel reduced, an equivalent amount of 3.16t of CO2 are avoided.

    In detail, ICAO develops and makes available new tools to provide States with the ability to access the environmental impacts of aviation operations like Fuel Savings Estimation Tool. It was developed to assist States to estimate the fuel savings and corresponding environmental benefits.

Sustainable Alternative Fuels for Aviation

   There are three pillars of sustainable development. These are environmental, social, and economic. Sustainable alternative fuels contribute to them by providing new sources of employment, reducing greenhouse gas emissions while improving local air quality; and facilitating economic development in non-traditional fuel producing regions of the world.

Market-Based Measures
   In cooperation with experts nominated by Member States and international organizations, ICAO hasundertaken intensive work to respond to the Assembly’s request. Much progress has been achieved on the development of the market-based measured framework, as well as the economic impacts.

Assistance to State  
     In order to facilitate the provision of technical and financial assistance, access to existing and new financial resources, technology transfer, and capacity building for developing countries, and in order to respond to the assistance needs of States, as identified in the submitted action plans, an ICAO ‘’Assistance for Action-Aviation and Climate Change’’ Seminar was held in October 2012 in Montrel, Canada.

    This seminar highlighted the synergies and constructive engagement among ICAO, its Member States, stakeholders, and other international organizations during the first phase of the action plan initiative. Afte the successful completion of the initial phase of work on State action plans, the focus is now to support those States requiring assistance to implement the measures identified in the action plans.

Global Aspirational Goals
    The initiatives highlighted above constitute the key components of the basket of mitigation measures that has been developed by ICAO to provide its Member States and the aviation industry with the means to reduce the climate impact of aviation operations. With these implementation of these measures, ICAO aims toward the achievement of the global aspirational goal of 2% annual fuel efficiency improvement with objective of stabilizing global CO2 emissions from international aviation at 2020 levels.

    In support of measuring future progress, toward the achievement of global aspirational goals, the Secretariat has been compiling and interpreting the data contained in State actioon plans to determine a global figure, which is being integrated with the CO2 trends assessment prepared by CAEP for te period of 2010 to 2050. Data collection and analysis will remain important elements of the desicion-making process at ICAO, and the Secretariat will continue to make the results of its analyses widely available to facilitate consensus-based desicions.


  1. "The review and further exploration of global inspirational goals, based on sound technical information and data". i.e ICAO has made important progress on the key areas

  2. Hello Aslı,

    When I read your blog, I realized that your blog is about global emissions. Global warming is increasing from day to day because of the global emissions. Global emission is very important point to consider for every sector especially aviation sector. To protecting the environment shoul take some precautions.

    In your blog, the most catchy title is sustainable alternative fuels for aviation according to me. After I read your blog, I wanted to do research about it. I learned that sustainable aviation fuels can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 80 percent per tonne of fuel, resulting from the total life cycle of alternative fuel production and this statistic is very salient.

    If using alternative fuel increase, this improvement will provide positive contribution to our planet and it will be a considerable step to decrease global warming. To sum up, you referred very important topic in your blog. I liked it.

  3. for global aspiration goals in 38th assembly (2013) based on 15 agreement principles. they sett some principles like:
    -minimize market distortions
    -safeguard the far treatment of aviation relative to other sector
    -ensure that aviation's emissions are accounted for only once and
    -recognize both past and future efforts of carriers.

  4. Hi Aslı,

    I must admit that I have enjoyed reading your blog. You use a basic language and become understandable in a blog post. I told you everything I am in amazement because I have a problem with the English, no no I have a big problem. Whn I was reading your blog, I learned good information.

    Thank you for everything :)
